"I am stuck in a loveless marriage I can't get out of" - KZN Listener

"I am stuck in a loveless marriage I can't get out of" - KZN Listener

Choosing happiness over pride is not always as easy as it sounds.

I am stuck in a loveless marriage I can't get out of

How many times have you heard people saying their parents didn't get divorced earlier because they wanted to "stay together for the kids"?

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It is probably one of the most common reasons why married couples, who have been unhappy in their relationship for some time and want to separate, stay together much longer than they actually should.

Another major factor is pride.

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"What will my family think?"

"Will I be a disappointment to my family and will my children feel like I've let them down?"

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Funny enough, when it comes to our happiness, we tend to put others first and we don't always consider our needs. Even when we can identify the things that are stealing our joy, we don't want to inconvenience anyone or we accept the suffering as part of life.

Yeshni has a major dilemma and she needs advice, so she made contact with Stacey and J Sbu so they could discuss it on #TheFixer.

READ: "I've been dating a married man but now I want to tell his wife" - KZN Listener

Yeshni has been married for 15 years but it seems like the relationship has run its course. She and her husband both know that. 

But they can't get divorced because of a bunch of different, pretty major, factors.

READ: Man confesses to getting rid of his wife's pet cat six years ago

Take a listen as she shares her story:

Here is what KZN had to say:

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Main image courtesy of iStock/Dishant_S

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