"I absolutely do not think that people can change" - Stacey

"I absolutely do not think that people can change" - Stacey

Can a leopard change its spots?

What belief will you defend until the end of time?
What belief will you defend until the end of time? / Stacey and J Sbu

Whether you like it or not, it is inevitable. Our bodies change, our relationships change, our minds change, our knowledge about something frequently changes, our skills and interests change, actually, almost everything changes at least once throughout life.

However, when it comes to people - do you think people can change? 

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The answer to that question for one half of your fav duo on East Coast Radio is a resounding:, NO! 

from Succession GIFs via Gfycat

That hot take was sparked by the team's caller topic on Thursday afternoon: What belief or opinion will you defend to the end of time?

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For Stacey Norman, human beings fundamentally do not change who they really are. A statement that J Sbu not only completely disagrees with, but finds very problematic. 

Stacey thinks that changing is one thing, but changed behaviour is something separate of that and most people do not understand the latter of that statement. 

from Oh GIFs via Gfycat

Okay... it is safe to say that Stacey and J Sbu are unlikely to budge on their views with regards to the above. 

READ: REAL TALK: Are you okay with your partner telling you what to wear?

We posed the question to you and here are some of our favourite submissions: 

  • The world is a sphere !!! Not flat
  • Trust your gut, it is rarely wrong
  • Respect always works two ways and just because you're elder, does not give you the entitlement to respect
  • Welcome to karmas restaurant. No menu available. You will get served what you deserve
  • That "system is down" is a South African tradition...
  • Very few people can actually change ( no this was not submitted by Stacey🤣
  • That conspiracy theorists are right about most things…

from Yes GIFs via Gfycat


Stacey and J Sbu podcasts
East Coast Radio

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