How to save your sanity and your bank balance during the holidays

How to save your sanity and your bank balance during the holidays

Secure the bag, secure your gifts, and secure your sanity...

How to save your sanity and your bank balance during the holidays
How to save your sanity and your bank balance during the holidays/ istock

It can get very hectic around December, but no need to worry, Stacey's got you covered...

Staying level headed and keeping your cool is of the utmost importance as we head into "silly season".

Save yourself this holiday season with some lifesaving tips from Stacey Norman:

Mental Health: How much support do you get from your immediate circle?


Stacey came through with the most incredible advice for a fellow South African this December.

1. Plan you holiday like a pro - at least one planned activity per day.

2. Budget for going out and stick to it!

3. You should have already done your Christmas shopping - jump on it ASAP!

 Read More: Are these factors at work affecting your health?

You've got this, don't doubt yourself and when things start to go wrong... improvise, adapt, overcome. 

Click here for some funny memes to get you through the season. 

Stacey Norman asks: Are you taking care of you?

Christmas meme
Christmas meme / bored.panda

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