Four highlights from the shortest week in Stacey and J Sbu history!

Four highlights from the shortest week in Stacey and J Sbu history!

We've rounded up #StaceyAndJSbusBestBits from the past week just for you! So sit back, relax, and take a listen...

Stacey j Sbu best of the week highlights
East Coast Radio

Are you looking to catch up on the best moments brought to you by your favourite Drive duo?

Well, this is the place to be!

We're rounded up the most hilarious, most tense, most exciting moments from the past week in one place so you can just sit back, relax, and enjoy.

Let's get into it...

The week started off pretty rough when J Sbu shared a story about his baba Zanda.

As it turns out, kids really do grow up too fast:

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This week on #TheFixer, Stacey and J Sbu had to help a side-chick deal with her feelings of guilt.

While KZN provided some much-needed advice, the real hero was listener Bianca:

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Stacey also shared that she had recently received a very distressing call from her mother.

It seems like her mother's fiance had made a crucial error when he dropped a certain comment:

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When it comes to weird television series, you would think we've seen it all.

Unfortunately, Stacey and J Sbu recently came across a series that left little to the imagination:

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East Coast Radio

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