ECR'S Top 5: Here's what to do with your face masks now!

ECR'S Top 5: Here's what to do with your face masks now!

Here are some suggestions on what to do with your face masks...

ECR'S top 5 things to do with a face-mask
ECR'S top 5 things to do with a face-mask/ facemask disposable Twitter

In recent news, the Health Minister, Joe Phaahla, made an official announcement that masks are no longer mandatory in South Africa. 

This means we bid farewell after two years of disguised faces and muffled conversations. 

The question on all our minds is... what now?

Read More: South Africans finally wave goodbye to face masks

We have scoured the internet to find some innovative things that you can do with a face mask so they do not go to waste. 


1. Keep wearing them, it is your prerogative

Despite the mandate being lifted, you still have the right to wear a face mask if you wish. Don't feel pressured into going bare faced if you're not comfortable just yet.

2. Turn them into fashion

As inspired by these two artists in matching PPE suits, you can turn face masks into outfits. Let's face it, sustainable fashion is transforming and we have definitely seen weirder outfit choices. Fingers crossed that there is no wardrobe malfunction...

ECR'S top 5 things to do with a face-mask, clothing edition
ECR'S top 5 things to do with a face-mask, clothing edition Twitter
3. Cut the strings off

Now that masks are no longer needed, the likelihood that more masks will be disposed of is high. According to experts, the majority of the masks end up in the ocean. It is advised that the strings be cut off the masks in order to conserve marine life.

See a heart-breaking image below:

ECR'S top 5 things to do with a face-mask
ECR'S top 5 things to do with a face-mask, marine life Twitter
4. Get creative with upcycling 

There are so many fun, DIY projects that you can take on in your upcycling endeavour. From things such as tote bags, to barbie doll outfits to weddings rings.... face masks can do it all.

Watch this eye-opening video below: 

5. Keep them

They say that preparation leads to good results. You never know when another pandemic might arise or maybe during flu season you might need that extra protection. Instead of spending a dime in future, keep them. 

On the contrary, if you don't end up using these masks then at least you have a souvenir to look back on if masks become rare. 

Stay safe.

Read More: New protocol tracks nurses' hand cleanliness like a star chart

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