ECR's top 5 tips for keeping you sane in traffic

ECR's top 5 tips for keeping you sane in traffic

It’s time to go home – yay! But not so fast…

ECR's top 5 tips for keeping you sane in traffic
ECR's top 5 tips for keeping you sane in traffic/ canva

Hey, KZN!

We all know peak hour traffic begins after 4 o’clock in the afternoon...

 This means you and many other motorists will be sharing the roadway and the frustration of being stuck in traffic. 

On certain occasions, your route home includes roadworks or a crash scene along the way. Plus, thanks to loadshedding, there are several defective traffic lights. Notably, someone (no mention of names) forgot to check their ESP app for their area schedules before leaving!

Read More: KZN: How to stay safe when on the road with heavy vehicles

Before you lash out at your fellow South Africans on the road or angrily spam the traffic hotline, here are some tips to put into practice whilst you wait:

  1. Breathe and drink water

Never underestimate the power of taking a few deep breaths and a gulp of water. Not only is this good for your health, but it will save you from inflicting verbal diarrhoea on someone. 

P.S Add in a snack too if you wish. Chewing is better than clenching your jaw in traffic.


2. Check your area schedule

Since loadshedding is here to stay, make sure to check both your home and work area schedules before you leave to better plan your trip.

Are you leaving early to avoid being late? Perhaps you’re looking to stick around the office a little longer until the traffic dies down? Or you’re happy to brave it out in the traffic jam. The choice is yours...

3. Inform your boss or your loved ones if you are running late

Communicate – this will save you your job and keep your loved ones at ease. Communication can save relationships too [winks].

Read More: ECR News and Traffic

4. Set up a good music playlist or listen to a podcast

Feeling frustrated already? Shake It Off (thanks Taylor Swift)! Turn up that volume and have a car-jam session for one! Ten extra points to you if the driver next to you joins you. 

5. Or… tune into ECR Traffic

Thankfully, the latest vehicles can autotune to traffic reports. So even when you’re jamming to your playlist or listening to a podcast, you won’t miss a thing. 

Most importantly, remember to buckle up, keep a safe following distance (do not tailgate the other), check your mirrors and blind spots, and keep the left shoulder lanes open for emergency personnel.


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Image courtesy of canva


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