Digital Detox: "By far the best thing I could have ever done for myself"

Digital Detox: "By far the best thing I could have ever done for myself"

Today we take a dive into what it takes to step away from the screen and have a digital detox. 

Digital Detox: "By far the best thing I could have ever done for myself"
Digital Detox: "By far the best thing I could have ever done for myself"/ iStock

On Tuesday, the world came to a sudden halt when WhatsApp went down. Productivity and communication were severely affected during this period of time. 

This got us thinking, are we taking care of our digital health? 

We posed this question to KZN and got some interesting insight. 

Read More: MEMES: Whats up with WhatsApp and is it 100s now?!

A "digital detox" is defined as: a period of time when a person refrains from using smart devices such as smartphones, televisions, computers, tablets, and social media sites. “Detoxing” from digital devices is often seen as a way to focus on real-life social interactions without distractions.

Here are some practical ways to go about taking a digital detox:

  • Be realistic with what you can manage
  • Set limits as to how you will go about a digital detox
  • Remove digital distractions from your environment
  • Formulate a plan as to what you will do during the detox
  • Let your immediate circle know about the digital detox
  • Find constructive ways to keep yourself busy 
  • Delete social media apps from your phone to reduce temptation and easy access
  • Track your progress and talk to someone about it
  • Seek professional help 

  •  Mental Health: How much support do you get from your immediate circle?

    Stacey and J Sbu can completely relate, it is important to surround yourself with people who inspire you and bring out the best in you. 

    Earlier this month, Stacey Norman chatted with Rose-Lee Wheeler - a HPCSA registered clinical psychologist, about suicide, mental health, and many more difficult topics. Listen below: 

    Looking for something to do to help you along your digital detox?

    Join us: Summer Body Bootcamp with Stacey Norman is here!or here are Things To Do In KZN

    More on East Coast Radio:

    Stacey and J Sbu podcasts
    East Coast Radio

    Image courtesy of iStock 


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