Container etiquette: How should you return containers that aren’t yours?

Container etiquette: How should you return containers that aren’t yours?

We may have a domestic situation on our hands, KZN - and we need your help!

Jsbu giving back Stacey's lunchbox
Nobuntu Swartbooi

Stacey generously prepared a meal for JSbu a few weeks ago. JSbu graciously received the meal from Stacey in a container belonging to her. Like many people, Stacey gave strict instructions for her container to be returned as soon as he had enjoyed the meal. Unfortunately, JSbu did not heed to this advice and committed the ultimate crime - according to Stacey.

 Not only did JSbu not return Stacey’s container before she had to ask for it, but he also returned the container empty. 

Jsbu giving back Stacey's lunchbox 1
Nobuntu Swartbooi
Jsbu giving back Stacey's lunchbox 2
Nobuntu Swartbooi

There is a popular food tradition that says that once you are done eating what was offered to you in the container, you should never return an empty container as a mark of courtesy. You may think this is a trivial matter, but many a friendship and family bonds have been broken by this unspoken rule.

This is a tradition that Stacey evidently believes in and she was a bit taken aback when JSbu returned the container empty.

"What is in the returned container is of no importance to me. It could have popcorn for all I care. It is the principle that matters to me," says Stacey. 

The container debate is also notorious in many South African homes, with moms and grandmothers guarding the items with everything they have. Stealing such treasures - a lifetime guaranteed plastic container - is basically considered a cardinal sin.

What are your thoughts? How should you return containers that aren’t yours?

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