Burnout: How to navigate when it's best to take a step back

Burnout: How to navigate when it's best to take a step back

Here's what to do when you feel burnt out...

Burnout: How to navigate when it's best to take a step back
Burnout: How to navigate when it's best to take a step back/ iStock

Time for a holiday? You could be burnt out...

Burnout is a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity.

Burnout isn't a medical diagnosis per say, but many physical, emotional, and psychological factors contribute to this.

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Working on overdrive can often lead to a soul aching and heart breaking kind of exhaustion. 

Although there is a health decline that one will face when experiencing burnout. 

Burnout: How to navigate when it's best to take a step back
Burnout: How to navigate when it's best to take a step back

Here are some symptoms of burnout:

  • Forgetfulness and difficulty with concentrating
  • A diminished pride in your work
  • Losing sight of yourself and your goals
  • A difficulty maintaining relationships and being present with loved ones
  • Feelings of frustration and irritability with co-workers
  • Unexplained muscle tension, pain, fatigue and insomnia
  • Excessive stress
  • Increased blood pressure 

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The first step in addressing this state is finding the source of what is causing the burnout. Only then will you be able to fix the issue at hand. 


One thing is certain, burnout is a sign that something needs to change. 

Here are practical examples of how to address burnout:

To read more, click here


Almost everything will work again if you unplug, including you. 

Take time to do things that bring you joy and decrease stress.

"Nobody's perfect, so give yourself credit for everything right and be kind to yourself when you struggle."

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