Baby saved from burning building by Durban mom and crowd of heroes

Baby saved from burning building by Durban mom and crowd of heroes

It should never have come to this...

Baby thrown from burning building
Nomsa Maseko/BBC

We all know that the current situation in KZN, and some parts of Gauteng, have become extremely dire.

Read: South Africans volunteer to help communities and businesses clean up

People are worried about finding food, other supplies, and essential goods.

Communities feel unsafe and like their calls for help are not being heard.

READ: #KZNShutdown: Here's a list of businesses that are open in various areas

No matter where we look, we are seeing how our neighbours, local businesses, and the people we love and care about are being put into the scariest situations.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and when these things happen across the border or in another country far from us, we see these pictures that are meant to shock and communicate how serious the situation has become.

READ: Fires, looting, violence. Now where to from here?

But it's always far away and never in our backyard.

Until it is.

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In a desperate attempt to escape looters that had set fire to a building, which quickly became engulfed in flames, a Durban mother switched to her last resort - throwing her child off a roof.

Luckily, there was a group of helpers and heroes who were ready to help her and her daughter to safety.

READ: AA: Riots, looting could impact fuel supply

The mother threw her daughter to the helping hands below and an eyewitness reports that the child was returned to their mother and they both escaped unharmed.

An eyewitness also reported that they were completely traumatised after witnessing this. One can only begin to imagine what the mother and child must have been feeling, and the emotional and mental scars they will probably have to live with forever:

READ: Insurance specialist has advice for KZN small businesses affected by #KZNShutdown

While this story is still heartbreaking, it is important to try and remain focused on all the good and positive that is still happening within the communities around us.

All is not yet lost.

We also know that you are tired, angry, frustrated, and maybe even feeling completely hopeless.

It might not be a lot but we just want to tell you:

Stacey and J Sbu podcasts
East Coast Radio

Main image courtesy of Nomsa Maseko/BBC

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