WTF on East Coast Drive: 'I found out that my boss is stealing'

WTF on East Coast Drive: 'I found out that my boss is stealing'

There is a saying that goes, never bite the hand that feeds you. However, what happens when that hand is doing something that will soon leave you to starve to death? WTF, right?!

boss embezzling money WTF

Our jobs are our safety nets. They clothe us and allow for us to provide for our families. This is our fifth most shocking WTF moment and it consists of a woman who saw something that cannot be unseen, and that is her boss embezzling money from the company. WTF, indeed!

READ: Court rules NPA boss, Shaun Abrahams must vacate his job

Snitches get stitches, so the saying goes. Would you rather get stitches than allow the corruption to go on even after having been aware of it?

READ: If you won the lotto, what would be your last words to your boss or colleagues?

 Take a listen to how it played out on-air and let us know how you feel about this woman’s dilemma?

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