YouTuber arrested for making dog fly with helium balloons

YouTuber arrested for making dog fly with helium balloons

After releasing the shocking clip onto his YouTube page, a complaint was filed against the YouTuber to Malviya Nagar police station, which ultimately led to his arrest.

dog balloon

Having access to millions of people on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube means that so many people are putting out content every day. So, content creators are finding that they need to think outside the box more and more in order to reach people. However, one YouTuber found himself in jail after seeking attention the wrong way.

Delhi-based YouTuber Gaurav Sharma was arrested on 27 May after making a dog, thought to be a Pomeranian, fly by attaching a number of helium balloons to it.

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It’s been reported that the small dog, reportedly owned by the YouTuber, started floating into the sky after Gaurav tied balloons filled with helium to the animal and let it go.

Shortly after the release of the video, a complaint was filed against the YouTuber to Malviya Nagar police station. Although it doesn’t seem like the dog was hurt, the complaint suggested that the dog was in danger. Gaurav was ultimately arrested as police investigate the matter further.

Atul Thakur, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), said in a statement: The complainant alleged that a person by the name of Gaurav Sharma had made a video where they were seen to have tied their pet dog with helium balloons and later they let loose the balloons thereby making the dog fly in the air and hence, risking its life. The video was shot on May 21.”

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After receiving backlash from viewers on his YouTube page, Gaurav uploaded another video apologising for his questionable actions and insisted that he took ‘all safety measures’ to ensure the dog was not harmed during the stunt.

“Before making the video, I had taken all the safety measures. I had said this in the video but did not upload this part as it would’ve increased the length of the video. It was a mistake on my part. All I want to say is that I had made the video with all the safety measures,” Gaurav said.

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Image courtesy: YouTube

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