Witch trials, pop culture and African stories |Podcast Pick on East Coast Breakfast

Witch trials, pop culture and African stories

Witch trials, pop culture and African stories are covered in this week's Podcast Pick with Darren Maule, Carmen Reddy, Sky Tshabalala and our guest podcaster, Lesedi Mogoatlhe of The Radio Workshop.

Podcast Pick Podcast
East Coast Radio

Darren Maule's Podcast Pick this week is 'The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling' - an audio documentary that examines some of the most contentious conflicts of our time through the life and career of the world’s most successful author.

Read more: Hilarious facts, burning source of questions & Baby Brunch

Carmen Reddy's pick this week is 'Not skinny but not fat' by Amanda Hirsch.  Amanda Hirsch, @notskinnybutnotfat on Instagram, shares her hot takes on entertainment news, celebrities & pop culture, and interviews your faves! Each podcast is about 45 minutes long.

Our guest podcaster this week is Lesedi Mogoatlhe of The Radio Workshop. She gives us her elevator pitch for this podcast - which covers stories from places in Africa that are often overlooked, in ways that reflect how young people see the continent. 

Plus, in the Frequently Asked Question section, Lesedi shares an FAQ she’s often asked about podcasting.

Listen to the details below:

Have you got an FAQ about podcasting? Email the team on [email protected] with "Podcast Pick FAQ" in the subject line and we could feature your question on Podcast Pick.

Catch Podcast Pick every Friday at 07:40 on East Coast Breakfast or catch up later via the podcast channel

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