Will the vaccine affect fertility in kids later in life? Prof Tulio explains

Will the vaccine affect fertility in kids later in life? Prof Tulio explains

With the recent talk of vaccination for children, so many question are pouring in.


One definite thing to look forward to on Wednesdays is the fact that we get the chance to regularly speak directly with one of the world's top virologists, virus-hunters, and bioinformaticians - Professor Tulio de Oliveira. 

In today's session, we asked him questions that looked particularly at the vaccine's safety for children as it is made available from today. 

READ MORE: When will the new vaccine Sinopharm be launched in SA? Prof Tulio shares

We follow up on last week's question regarding how safe it is to donate blood after receiving the vaccine. He advises us regarding whether there is a waiting period required before one donates. 

He further advises us about how to easily get the Johnson & Johnson digital vaccine card since people seem to have trouble obtaining it.

READ MORE: "When exactly are you considered fully vaccinated by the government?" Prof Tulio explains

If you had previously received the J&J vaccine, will there be a booster vaccine made available? 

One of our listeners, Tyler, also asked whether the Pfizer vaccines - first jab and second - both have the same efficacy and strength. 

READ MORE: "How many people worldwide and in South Africa have died after taking the vaccine?" Prof Tulio explains

If you are like Sky's partner, Clarise, and you're expecting a little one, then Prof Tulio shares when the perfect time is for you to get vaccinated and whether there is a specific one that works better for pregnant women. 

And, finally, will the vaccine in any way affect the fertility of children later in their lives, especially girls? 

Take a listen as Prof Tulio breaks it all down for us: 

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