Watch: Seal caught sunbathing on Durban shore

Watch: Seal caught sunbathing on Durban shore

Beachgoers were surprised when they noticed an unusual visitor who was seen recently soaking up the sun on the beach in Umhlanga Rocks. 

durban seal video

Seals are a massive drawcard for tourism in Cape Town, with many visitors heading to the province to see the oh-so-adorable mammals.

One seal seemed to have ventured out of Cape Town and crept up to the Durban shores, and we're more than delighted to have him.

IOL reported that a fur seal was found on the glistening sand of Umhlanga Beach last Friday, unbothered and having the time of his life soaking up the real warmth of Durban. 

Take a look at this adorable video everyone is going gaga over:

We spoke to Cara from the Umhlanga Rocks Urban Improvement Precinct (UIP), who confirmed that the seal was moved to a place of safety.

The KZN Marine Stranding Network is a group of skilled and trained professionals working together to provide knowledge, experience and resources to assist and ensure the best possible outcome for animal welfare and conservation in the event of a stranded animal.

What to do if you find a stranded animal:

Never chase, coax or place a stranded animal back into the water, unless it has gills. These animals are compromised in one way or another, i.e. exhausted, sick, or injured. Placing them back into the water could potentially drown them.

1. Contact uShaka Sea World or another authority, i.e. life guards / NSRI / KZN Wildlife (see below for contact numbers).

2. The KZN Stranding Network will require the following information:

- Photo of the animal

- Description of the animal

- Exact location

3. If the beach is busy with many bystanders, it is best to cordon off the area around the animal (about 5m perimeter).

4. Keep people and dogs away from the animal. It is very stressful for these animals being out of their environment and many of them have never interacted with people before.

Further information on animal rescue is available on the SAAMBR website with a downloadable booklet on what to do if you find a stranded animal Facebook page: @kznmarinestrandingnetwork

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