Tips to cope with not seeing your loved ones this festive season

Tips to cope with not seeing your loved ones this festive season

It may feel like you are all alone, but you are not. 


You may have lost a loved one during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic or you might just be living way too far from family to travel home - this is a reality for many people. 

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It is absolutely normal to feel helpless, alone, angry, and confused.

You should not shy away from feeling these; it is when you allow yourself to feel this that you remember that love that surrounds you. 

Validating your emotions also helps you progress in your grieving journey. 

An expert counselling psychologist shared: “Have a good cry if you need to. Focus on the present and focus on what you can control. In any situation, there is always some part that is in our control. The longer we focus on what we cannot control, the worse we will feel.” (Highway Mail) 

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If you have friends in the neighbourhood, why not have them over for a short while? 

You could also go for a walk in the neighbourhood and enjoy the Christmas lights. The beach is also a great idea. 

It is important to remember that being happy does not mean that you are disrespecting the person you are grieving over.

Psychologist Rakhi Beekrum also advises that the waves will come and, for now, our best option is to plan the best we can around these waves.

If you have a family member or friend who might be going through a hard time during the festive season because of loss, they might want to be alone but just remind them that they are in your thoughts. 


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Main Image Courtesy: iStock 

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