Social media up in arms over new Liqui Fruit look

Social media up in arms over new Liqui Fruit look

How do you feel about your favourite product changing its design?

One of South Africa's largest food companies has silently changed the look of its popular Liqui Fruit juice, and many are not impressed.
One of South Africa's largest food companies has silently changed the look of its popular Liqui Fruit juice, and many are not impressed. Image: SINESIPHO SCHRIEBER

Change is often met with positive and negative comments from customers. 

Well, this time around, the people were clearly up in arms about their favourite juice changing its design. 

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According to the MSN website, Liqui Fruit has silently changed its look. 

Pioneer Foods' Liqui Fruit was trending this week as many people started to voice out their frustrations at the new packaging. 

Here is a picture below from Time Live of the old imaging on the right and the brand-new design. 

There was not much social media marketing from the food company before the juice reached stores.

Taking to social media, some were shocked by the change, while others jokingly called for a 'family meeting' with the company to explain the thoughts behind the redesign. 

Read more: Getting Juiced! New cereal designed to be eaten with orange juice?

That got us thinking about people's reactions to brand changes.

So the Breakfast team decided to take to Facebook to ask you all a simple question regarding changes to your favourite products. 

On Facebook, we received a message from Natalie Rutherford Glinister who commented on the picture and said: "The vervet monkeys loved the old design, judging by the bite marks I found on one of my cartons🙊 Old design was much juicier."

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Image: ECR


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Main image attribution: SINESIPHO SCHRIEBER

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