Snake expert brings slithering friends to East Coast Breakfast

Snake expert brings slithering friends to East Coast Breakfast

Snake expert pays us a visit with his friendly snakes, let's just say Sky was not excited about this at all.

The team and snake expert

We were excited to have snake expert - Nick Evans came by with a few of his slithering friends to give us a few lessons, tips and tricks on snakes.

Of course Sky was simply not having it. He ran out of the studio as soon as Nick stepped in and introduced his snakes to the team.

Snake expert shares insights after N2 python sighting

Nick is here to share some insights and facts on snakes that people often overlook and misunderstand and their importance to our natural habitat.Β 

Here is some useful info and some interesting facts about snakes:

1. Never attempt to catch or kill a snake, it could put yourself at risk. Treat snakes with the respect that they deserve.

2. The Black Mamba gets its name from the colour of the inside of its mouth, which it opens up and shows as a warning. The body is actually a dark grey/brown colour. It's a very shy and nervous snake, that doesn't like to be seen by people, but is not aggressive. They do not chase people either.

3. The snake with the most toxic venom in South Africa is the Boomslang.

4. The Southern African Python is the largest snake in the region.

5. he Mozambique Spitting Cobra, a very common venomous snake in KZN, is actually native to South Africa despite its name. It is responsible for the most snakebites in South Africa each year. This is because it is common and widespread, and also ventures into & around homes, in search of food/shelter.

6. All snakes can swim!

Spotted Bush Snake

Brown House Snake

Herald Snake

Brown Water Snake (Iviuzamanzi)

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