SEE: What is so special about the item that Darren Maule #DKSApproved?

SEE: What is so special about the item that Darren Maule #DKSApproved?

One thing about these is that they are saving the planet!

Darren's special pair

The bamboo underwear that Darren describes in the above podcast get his #DKSApproved stamp of approval. 

If you know Darren Maule - or anyone on the show really, eco-friendly items are always preferred and this is what makes this pair a big deal for him. 

There are so many processes that harm the environment and contribute negatively to climate change when creating clothes. 

So when manufacturers consciously choose to use safer processes, it should be applauded!

Bamboo underwear eco-friendly

READ MORE: Darren Maule's leaked behind-the-scenes recording fail

Sky also gave his #DKSApproved stamp of approval and it was for the addictive and widely-loved game, Wordle. 

If you want to find out how the word game works, take a listen. 

The most interesting thing about this game is that everyone gets the same word.  

It basically unifies the whole world and what's not to love about that? 

LISTEN: 73 questions with Darren Maule ft. Anna Banana

Keri Miller had to completely rule out South Africa's toll gates for their somewhat outdated payment systems. 

She described that because she could not pay using her phone, like most things right now, so it really put her off! 

Our first #DKSDisapproved for the year... already!

dks podcast


Main Image Courtesy: Supplied

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