WATCH: Passenger screens movie on projector, ignites controversy | East Coast Radio

WATCH: Passenger screens movie on projector, ignites controversy

A passenger on a plane sparked mixed reactions by using a film projector to screen a movie. The whole incident went viral on social media.

Passengers on a plane sparked mixed reactions by using a film projector to screen a movie.
Image: Pexels / Kelly

Air travel has always been a mixed bag of surprises, from unexpected delays to turbulent rides. 

But one recent incident has taken the concept of in-flight entertainment to a whole new level, leaving passengers both shocked and outraged. 

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A daring passenger decided to turn their seat into a personal movie theatre by projecting a film on a makeshift screen, causing an uproar among fellow travellers. 

According to an Instagram post by Tsa, the incident was captured on video by Douglas Lazickirk, another passenger on the flight.

Have a look at this video that has gone viral:

Somewhere above the clouds, aboard a seemingly routine flight, a passenger whipped out a portable projector and set up a make-do screen, transforming their seating area into an impromptu cinema. 

As the movie began to play, the unsuspecting travellers around them couldn't believe their eyes. 

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Instead of the usual individual seatback screens or the occasional shared in-flight movie, they were faced with a fully-fledged projection complete with sound. 

It was an audacious move that divided the cabin into two distinct groups: those captivated by the ingenuity and those vehemently opposing the disruption.

As news of the airborne movie screening spread, it ignited a wave of fury among the other passengers. 

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Many argued that the action infringed upon the sanctity of the flight, disturbing the peace and comfort of those onboard. 

As we embark on our future travels, let us remember the importance of consideration, understanding, and respect for our fellow passengers, ensuring a smooth and pleasant journey for all.

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Main image attribution: Pexels / Kelly

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