'Ninja nanny' nabs package thief in the nick of time

'Ninja nanny' nabs package thief in the nick of time

Justice was served and rightfully so! You wouldn't want to be caught messing with this nanny!

package thief
Facebook / Daily Mail

If you're a parent, you would know that the nanny that you choose to hire for your kids must be able to love, take care, and protect them from harm and danger. Not only does this nanny do all of the above, but she also has some pretty mean ninja skills. 

Read: Looking to hire a nanny? Warning signs you must consider

A nanny took things into her own hands and fought a potential package thief. She noticed that a woman tried to steal a package from her front porch, but she wasn't going to let the thief get away. 

In a surveillance video, you can see the thief attempting to get away, but the getaway car drove off without her. Chasing the thief down, the nanny managed to restrain the suspect and shouted for someone to assist by calling the cops.

Read: Beyoncé hires six nannies for her newborn twins

Forget the neighbourhood watch or the cops - there's a new nanny in town and she means business! 

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