Movember - fighting prostate and testicular cancer

Movember - fighting prostate and testicular cancer

The Movember movement aims to highlight and spread awareness on men's health and cancers that affect men.

Movember awareness

In its 12th year, the Movember campaign has now become a global movement, with the 'mo' becoming the non-official ribbon for men's health.

In South Africa, tens of thousands of men have been diagnosed with these diseases annually, yet there is still a stigma around male-related illnesses. 

The Movember campaign aims to change all that - by creating awareness of these conditions, without fear of judgment.

"Men’s Health in South Africa requires prioritization.  By raising awareness and funds, and in turn, program investment through official beneficiaries, NGO’s and collaborating with government, The Men’s Foundation aims to positively influence the average life expectancy of South African men" -

The premise is simple: men register on the Movember site  to raise funds for the campaign. They start the campaign fresh-faced on November 1, and then pledge to grow and groom a moustache for the entire month of November.

Women ('Mo Sisters') can also get involved - by signing-up and pledging funds to the campaign.

If you're looking for some inspiration on how to grow a mo this November, we have a few ideas:

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