Mo diary : How Bryan won 'Man of Movember'

Mo diary : How Bryan won 'Man of Movember'

After a whole month of growing and grooming his mo, Bryan Fallis takes the title of 'East Coast Breakfast Man of Movember'. Follow his Mo journey.

mo winner

Movember is a month that celebrates and spreads awareness on male related issues such as depression, cancers and general men's health. To commemorate this month and do our bit in spreading awareness we initiated the #MoSelfie challenge to men in KZN.

Beginning of the  month we had 5 finalists compete against Sky Tshabalala on who could grow their Mo the fastest. We've been keeping track of all 6 guys and asked for an update weekly of their Mo progress.

Movember month drew to end and we have chosen our winner. Congratulations Bryan Fallis - 'East Coast Breakfast Man of Movember'

mo winner

Here is the journey of all our Mo finalist and how Fallis won the title.

This is how all our finalists looked begining of the challenge:

mo selfies before

And this is how they look now:


Sky decided to spoil the guys before the Movember competition ended, with the help of The Original Barber in Gateway, Umhlanga. Here's how it went down:

Pakisa Tsekiso, finalist getting his Mo groomed

Pakisa groomed

Finalists after their grooming treat : (left) Sky Tshabalala, Daryle from Blue Beards, sponsor of the prizes (top), Bryan Fallis (bottom) and Pakisa Tsekiso (right)

fianlists and Darryle from Bluebeards

Bryan Fallis won the following:

winner prizes

We mentioned a twist. Sky decided that whoever voted for the winner would get these awesome prizes as well. Well done to Carmen Harper who voted for Bryan. This is what she won:  

voters prize

Congratulations once again Bryna and Carmen.

That's a wrap for Movember 2015.

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