Yes, we thought it was a dream but it's very possible. Life changer!

How to tie shoe laces in 1.2 seconds?

Yes, we thought it was a dream but it's very possible.

Shoe laces

This has to be the biggest life hack and game changer ever.

Growing up, you may recall being taught to tie your shoelaces with the 'bunny ear' method or the 'bow knot' way and it was the most difficult thing to do.


Either way, velcro shoes were preferable because it took most kids hours to get shoelace tying down pat.

However on Wednesday, an unnamed man from the City of Belgrade, Serbia, uploaded a brief video showing a pair of hands expertly twisting the laces on a pair of grey converse trainers into a neat bow in the blink of an eye!

Watch carefully:

The steps are as follows: 

  • Begin by tying the laces in a simple knot, before wrapping each lace around your forefinger and thumb on either side. 
  • Bring your fingers towards each other and which each hand, grab the loop of string on the opposite finger before pulling them apart into the perfect bow

How we wish we were kids again, maybe life would be easier knowing tying shoe laces was this easy.

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