Is your evening routine with your kids like Mark Zuckerberg's?

Is your evening routine with your kids like Mark Zuckerberg's?

Is it any different from yours? 

Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg

It is so easy to imagine that because he's the founder of Facebook, he does some things a little differently...

Mark Zuckerberg talked about his life as a parent and family man with YouTuber, Lex Fridman. 

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In the sit-down interview he shares what bedtime ritual looks like in their household. 

They call their evening routine the "goodnight things". 

"What is most important in life" - is what he leads with.

"Whether it is building AR glasses for the future or being able to celebrate my 10-year wedding anniversary with my wife that's coming up," he said.

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The tech giant also asks them is what they did that day to help someone, which for his young daughters could be helping set the table or assisting a classmate in school.

"If you were to boil down my overall life philosophy in what I try to impart to my kids, those are the things that I think are really important," he shared.

His wife of 10 years, Priscilla Chan once shared that part of her husband's nighttime routine with their daughters is coding before bed. She said the pair like to split their parental duties, with Chan on the morning shift and Zuckerberg getting them ready at night.

Is it any different from you and your children's evening routine:

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"Mark has been doing that with August since she turned three," she told The Times of London in October, referring to their coding ritual.

He posted a photo of one of his coding sessions with their daughter on Facebook last year.

No so out of the ordinary, after all...

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Main Image Courtesy: AFP

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