Darren Maule creates the ultimate kids exercise hack

Darren Maule creates the ultimate kids exercise hack

Darren Maule is known for coming up with great ideas for Mouse to do whilst in lockdown, now KZN can too

darren and mouse at amashova
Screenshot: Instagram: Darren Maule

The breakfast team have found a few fun ways to stay occupied during the lockdown period. From yoga to exercise, and even playing FIFA for an entire day, they've tried to keep the boredom at bay and themselves entertained.

Darren, Keri and Sky have adapted well to life in quarantine! Apart from the 'I'm Bored Jar for Kids and Adults', they're sure listeners must be running out of ideas to keep their kids active and healthy.

Also read: Darren, Keri & Sky’s Song Search

Fear no more, because Darren's come to the rescue. So what is this great idea? Darren's come up with an exceptional way to keep your kids entertained and healthy at the same time, while also challenging their brains. 

He's created a number of obstacle courses that work perfectly for children. These include hopscotch, jumping jacks and one leg stands. Check out the video and give it a try at home.

Also read: Darren Maule is the best lockdown boyfriend ever!

Why not give it a try?

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