Chinese man throws 124,000 Yuan in dustbin

Chinese man throws 124,000 Yuan in dustbin

A man from China swapped out his bag of cash for a bag of trash. Luckily for him, there are good people in the world. 

Suitcase full of money

A man from Liaoning, China walked out of his house with two plastic bags. One contained garbage, while the other contained 124,000 Yuan, which is equivalent to R234,360. He threw the wrong one in the bin.

The man did not realise what had happened until he reached the bank and found that the bag in hand was filled with actual garbage, and not his money.

Naturally, he rushed back to the dump site but struck no luck. After lodging a complaint with the police and watching CCTV footage, it was found that someone had discovered the bag and walked off with it. 

As the police started questioning people, a lady came forward and returned the bag with the full amount of cash inside. She said she could not sleep at night knowing she had all that cash.

The man, who was extremely grateful - obviously,  rewarded the lady with 2,000 yuan (almost R4,000).

How would you react in such a situation? Would you return the money?

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