Australian rugby greats, successful author & & historic happenings |Podcast Pick on East Coast Breakfast

Australian rugby greats, successful author & historic happenings

Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the podcast options out there? Let East Coast Breakfast's Podcast Pick be your guide! Here are the latest picks from Darren Maule, Sky Tshabalala, and guest podcaster Spike Ballantine.

Podcast Pick Podcast
East Coast Radio

In episode five of Podcast Pick, the team explores three intriguing podcast picks that offer a range of experiences for listeners. 

Darren Maule enjoyed talking about The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling - again!

The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling is an audio documentary that examines some of the most contentious conflicts of our time through the life and career of the world’s most successful author.

Sky Tshabalala loves The Good, The Bad & The Rugby: Australia. As a rugby man, Sky certainly loved listening to the legends of the Wallabies. 

Our guest podcaster this week is Brendan (Spike) Ballantine who's based in Johannesburg. His Podcast Pick is 'Happened Here' - a podcast that features stories that transport you elsewhere. 

Plus, in the 'Frequently Asked Question' section,  Spike shares an FAQ he's often asked about podcasting: how long should a podcast be?

Listen to the details below:

Have you got an FAQ about podcasting? Email the team on [email protected] with "Podcast Pick FAQ" in the subject line and we could feature your question on Podcast Pick.

Catch Podcast Pick every Friday at 07:40 on East Coast Breakfast or catch up later via the podcast channel

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