The 10 most influential fictional characters of 2015

The 10 most influential fictional characters of 2015

Before the year ends, has shared who are the 10 most influential fictional characters from various TV series and films of 2015.

cookie thumb

As we count down to the end of the year,  we share Time's 10 most influential fictional characters count down.

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10. Catastrophe

The "Bad blood" video (starring Taylor Swift, of course) and her all-star female squad of assassins set the bar for music-video spectacle in the Internet age, logging 20.1 million views in a single day.
taylor swift bad blood

9. Mark Watney

The Martian's charmingly resourceful botanist (played by Matt Damon) became a role model for the future scientists and refocused media attention on the Red Planet - helped, naturally, by the news that NASA found flowing water ion the real-life Mars.

the martain

8. Alexander Hamilton

Lin-Manuel Miranda's vision of the first Treasury Secretary as a scrappily ambitious fellow with a flair for rhyming anchored one of Broadway's biggest hits in years, luring fans like Katy Perry and President Obama.


7.  Sadness

The breakout star of Pixar's Inside Out brought millions of viewers to tears, and helped pull in more than $850 million at the global box office; she's now being used as a teaching tool to help kids get in touch with their emotions.


6. Jon Snow

After Game of Thrones'  reigning heartthrob (played by Kit Harington) was apparently stabbed to death in the fifth season finale, fans - and hundreds of media outlets - rallied around him, parsing photos and script leaks for clues about his fate. In November, they got their biggest one yet: a season six promo poster, featuring a close up of Snow's face.

jon snow

5. Imperator Furiosa

In a landmark year for heroines, this vigilante out-fierced them all, stealing Mad Max : Fury Road out from under Max mad himself. That performance (courtesy of Charlize Theron) helped net more than $375 million at the global box office, proving that smash-hit action films can be unapologetically feminist.


4. Atticus Finch

The fact that To Kill a Mockingbird's patriarch, a seemingly righteous Southern lawyer, harbored racist views - as revealed in Harper Lee's Go Set a Watchman - a made global headlines, driving massive book sales and fueling debates about bigotry and literary ethics.


3. "Hilary Clinton"

Kate McKinnon's now-infamous SNL character - consumed by ambition, unleavened by personal warmth - became so closely tied to the real-life candidate that some people suggested it might destroy her image. But Clinron didn't seem to mind: "A vote for Hillary is a vote for four more years of Kate McKinnon's impression," she tweeted.


2. The Minions

The cutesy yellow sidekicks - first introduced in the year 2010's Despicable Me - took centre stage this year, netting more than $1.1 billion at the global box office.


1. Cookie Lyon

With her high-drama scheming and higher-drama wardrobe, the Lyon family matriarch (played by Taraji P. Henson) was the biggest draw on TV's most popular new show, Empire, luring more than 13 million viewers a week. In addition to spawning countless memes and catchphrases, she also helped inspire a clothing thine at Saks Fifth Avenue. As Cookie herself said, "That my name. take a bite."


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