WATCH: This woman claims she lost weight by eating her dead husband's ashes

WATCH: This woman claims she lost weight by eating her dead husband's ashes

Can you relate? Highly unlikely...

WATCH: This woman claims she lost weight by eating her dead husband's ashes
YouTube Screenshot/@TheAsherShow

Losing a loved one is never easy, whether that loved one was a spouse, partner, parent or child. And everyone has their own way of dealing with death and loss. Some cope better than others and some just have really one-of-a-kind ways of dealing...

We cannot go back on our word, because we always advocate for people owning their own. So when it comes to owning your own in dealing with loss, it only makes sense that we stand by our words. 

While some people turn to support groups, family and friends, others retreat and mourning a loss and grief can be a tricky place to find yourself. It can be damaging if you do not seek the right sort of help. 

This woman, who appeared on TLC's series, 'My Strange Addiction', shared a very strange addiction, when she admitted that she snacks on her late husband's ashes. Yes, you read right...

Casie shared on the show that she is addicted to carrying her husband's urn around, everywhere, to the movies, out to restaurants, to the grocery store. Then after some time she revealed that she started eating her husband's ashes. 

Check out the video below of a YouTuber reviewing the episode. Courtesy of YouTube:

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As if it couldn't get any stranger, she admits that she has lost 42 pounds (19kg) since starting to eat her husband's ashes. She even went on to say that she gets really excited when she opens up the urn and then after eating his ashes, she feels bad. 

She sought help on the episode, but this was back in 2011, and we haven't been able to track down if she managed to deal with her grief in the best way. It is a real eye-opener for all of us though, it's important to check in on our family members and friends, and make sure that we are supporting them in the best way...

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East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of YouTube

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