WATCH: Mom tries to embarrass her son when picking him up from school, but she fails...

WATCH: Mom tries to embarrass her son when picking him up from school, but she fails...

A classic show of how a mom gets surprised by her son's response to her attempt at embarrassing him at school...

WATCH: A mom tries to embarrass her son when picking him up from school but she fails...
Reddit Screenshot/@u/y1Jett

As parents there are those rare moments where you just want to have fun with your kids in the weirdest and wackiest of ways. Sometimes that could mean trying your best to make them shy, awkward or embarrassed. 

What better way to do that than to try to tease them by embarrassing them in the school car park? Well, that's exactly what this mother tried to do when she was picking her son up from school.

But there's a huge twist as he doesn't respond the way we all assumed he would and we think she didn't expect it either. As our kids grow they become more self aware and also sometimes they try to fit in, to the point where they care what their peers think about them. 

In all honesty, sometimes it doesn't just apply to kids, many adults care a lot about what other people think and sometimes they do things to please their peers instead of standing their ground and doing what is honest to their characters. 

WATCH the video below (courtesy of Reddit):

The video truly is such an eye opening lesson that shows us firstly that this mother is doing something right when it comes to parenting this young man. And secondly it shows that this young man who stuck to his individuality is proud of who he is and it was a true win when we see his peer joining in on the dancing. 

We definitely need more of this in society. Feeling proud of who you are, and not being afraid of judgement no matter where it comes from. It shows that you are happy in your own skin and that's how we all should be, unafraid and bold in what we stand for...

It was also received well by fellow Reddit users who were encouraging and grateful to see this...

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Image Courtesy of Reddit

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