WATCH: Landlord being unreasonable with tenant during an inspection, can you relate?

WATCH: Landlord being unreasonable with tenant during an inspection, can you relate?

A post by a woman about her landlord creates a stir around unreasonable landlords...

WATCH: A landlord being unreasonable with her tenant during an inspection, can you relate?
Twitter Screenshot/@voteforhani

Many of us have had those moments where we encounter people who are unreasonable.

Communication is key to everything in life, but when you cannot communicate with someone, it can be damning, or damaging, especially when that person is your landlord. 

Balance is said to be formula for all things in life, right, but what we know out of experience is that you cannot paint everyone with the same brush. Sometimes you will experience people who just don't appreciate you, so it's like this, you either get a really cool landlord, with a troublesome tenant or you get a cool tenant with a not-so-cool landlord. 

Of course, this isn't always the case, but from our experience we have heard many stories where there isn't a good fit when it comes to these two roles. This seems to be the case for this woman who happened to video her landlord doing an exit inspection of their rental. 

Check out the two videos below of her apartment when handing over to her landlord. 

Courtesy of Twitter

A tweep came to the post with some valuable information, which we think was worth sharing. Check out the information below posted by @furhan_

"This is a common tactic of “bill extortionate unnecessary cleaning fees to a sham company” (which landlord probably owns/is in partnership with) who then do nothing/very little cleaning for a fraction of the cost they took from the deposit." 

WATCH: A landlord being unreasonable with her tenant during an inspection, can you relate?

Even worse, one person commented with a screenshot of an email from the tenancy coordinator, we are assuming in her experience, which read that she would have to pay £200 to replace four bulbs, which equates to around R4,000!

Eek, we are sure that this is not something that everyone goes through, but we are certain that there are some rental stories that you may have that could help someone else who is in a similar situation? Share it with us by commenting below. 

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East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Twitter

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