WATCH: Idris Elba talks about his special love for South Africa...

WATCH: Idris Elba talks about his special love for South Africa...

It does not surprise us, because we know of the beauty he speaks of...

Idris Elba with a blue suit at premiere of Beast movie
Idris Elba with a blue suit at premiere of Beast movie/Instagram Screenshot/@idriselba

We can hardly say that we can fight outsiders' views of our beloved country. 

Not to be pompous or anything, but we are very well aware of the beauty and serenity and all things unique about South Africa. 

So when one of our favs expresses their "special love" for our country, we kinda want to take it personally...

Our fav in this case being the one and only Idris Elba. It comes as no surprise to us that he loves Africa, considering he has shared his adornment with our continent before. 

But with reference to his new movie, 'Beast', he spent a lot of time in South Africa filming. 

And if there is one thing we know, people who visit our country always, always fall in love with it. 

This was no different with Idris Elba...

He recently shared his love for specifically South Africa during an interview. 

And let's just say his words ran deep for us, because it is so easy to forget that we live in one of the most beautiful countries in the world. 

The filming of 'Beast' took place entirely in South Africa, specifically Limpopo, Northern Cape, and Cape Town. 

Check out his words of love for SA below:

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Check out the trailer for the movie. Courtesy of YouTube:

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