SEE: The Rock reaches out to his lookalike in the coolest way

SEE: The Rock reaches out to his lookalike in the coolest way

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson responds to his doppelganger over Twitter...

SEE: The Rock reaches out to his real life stunt double in the coolest way

We all know and love The Rock for his on-screen entertainment and how he can literally mesh into any role and make it his own. But the thing is that many times we notice that there is an inconsistency when it comes to performers and how they behave in reality. 

Not with this guy! Dwayne Johnson is the real deal. He brings that type of energy that we see on screen to real life and his fans can truly attest to that in so many instances. We recently saw a video of him greeting fans from a tour bus in his neighbourhood, and he was so genuine and patient with them, you can't fake that kind of coolness. 

But it didn't end there. He replied to a tweet that showed his doppelganger and we have to agree with the tweeps on this one, they look remarkably similar, especially in that photo. 

The doppelganger, LT. Eric Fields, is seen posing on the left and even wearing similar sunglasses as The Rock, with similar tattoos. 

"Eric told his local news outlet, 'I’ve been called The Rock and Vin Diesel’s love child. I go along with it. It’s humorous. It’s flattering. It could be worse people, I guess.'" (Just Jared)

The Rock responded to the tweet praising his double and saying he is so much cooler. 

Check out the tweet below (courtesy of Twitter):

Eric responded to Dwayne and it literally is what we love about social media - when it comes to celebrities and their efforts in recognising their fans in such hearty moments. 

It didn't stop there, though. Another man posted a before and after pic of his weight loss journey and how The Rock inspired him to start losing weight and getting healthy. Yoh, the fans truly came in with love for this man, and we can't say we blame them. He is truly a real life leading man...

Eric even posted a pic of an action figure that his wife made for him, from the The Rock's WWE figure....

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East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Twitter

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