SEE: Italian foodie purist calls out Martha Stewart for her 'Pasta Carbonara'

SEE: Italian foodie purist calls out Martha Stewart for her 'Pasta Carbonara'

Martha Stewart gets slammed for her version of 'Pasta Carbonara'...

SEE: An Italian foodie purist calls out Martha Stewart on her version of 'Pasta Carbonara'
Instagram Screenshot/@MarthaStewart

When you hear the name 'Martha Stewart', what comes to mind? For us it has to me food. It's as simple as that. Oh, and Snoop Dogg, of course. Because she completely reinvented her brand when she partnered with Snoop for their cooking show, 'Martha and Snoop's Potluck Dinner'. 

But one thing we don't associate with her is 'not knowing'. We think of her as an expert in her field, someone that brings years of experience and a sense of modernity to food. She brings the old and merges it with the new. But one bold Italian went all out recently and publicly shamed Martha's Pasta Carbonara recipe she posted to her Instagram page

We can't say that that we would do the same, but we admire her boldness in being true to her heritage, which as we know goes very much hand in hand with food. 

After Martha posted her video making her version of Pasta Carbonara, Gizzoel, who happens to have a private account on Instagram, commented by saying: "That’s not the way you make Carbonara. Sorry!! I’m from Italia🇮🇹😏" (Instagram)

WATCH the recipe below (courtesy of Instagram):

Some commentators came to the post to agree with Gizzoel, sharing their knowledge of what a traditional Carbonara includes. However, one person came back with a smack of their own saying: "That's how SHE makes her carbonara. If you don't think it's right or that's not how you make it, fine. Get over yourselves, geez." (Instagram)

To which someone else responded: "@loveatfirstbitebakeryaz this is not the dish. Just cause you like someone doesn’t mean you should defend them. I love her a lot but I’m shocked she called this carbonara. It’s far from it. It’s like someone serving you hard boiled eggs and call it poached eggs. Totally different." 

SEE: Martha Stewart and carbonara
Instagram Screenshot/@MarthaStewart
SEE: Martha Stewart and carbonara
Instagram Screenshot/@MarthaStewart

It got us thinking whether calling your version of a recipe by the original name is in fact technically incorrect? It seems to have left many people upset. 

We guess that is more because she is meant to be a professional, so calling it something that it isn't is damaging to the history and the heritage that that dish holds for the Italian community. We get it, we are all about diversity and experimentation, especially when it comes to pasta, but we have to respect the authenticity of the dish and its origin...

Carol podcasts
East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Instagram

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