SEE: A father writes down steps on how to book an Uber, it get tweeps talking about the things their parents do

SEE: Father writes down steps on how to book an Uber, sparks conversation

When our parents show us how cute they can be...

SEE: A father writes down steps on how to book an Uber, it get tweeps talking about the things their parents do
Twitter/@rahulrmv and Unsplash Website

Life teaches us key lessons during key moments and it's all about seeing things with a different perspective. Whether those lessons come from someone close to you or a complete stranger, they are there for a reason. 

This moment truly showed us how our parents can be such great teachers, and it also presented itself as a teachable life moment that we all could do with now and then. In addition, it was a good relative talking point that many children (many of which are adults now) can relate to. 

A man posted a note that was written by his father. The note is hand written and shows the steps written down in order on how to book an Uber. 

Check out the note below (courtesy of Twitter):

SEE: A father writes down steps on how to book an Uber, it get tweeps talking about the things their parents do
Twitter Screenshot/@rahulrmv

We have to admit we love the innovation that came out of the post and more than that we loved that Uber actually responded to the tweet. It shows that the brand is interactive when they are seen listening to the social chitter chatter...

Also, it was a good way for them to look into finding an easier way for the elderly to book their services, that offered them safety and ease in using their services. 

Do you have family that are over the age of 65 living with you? How are they with using a smartphone?

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Image Courtesy of Twitter

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