New cellphone accessory allows long distance couples to kiss each other

New cellphone accessory allows long distance couples to kiss each other

And you won't believe what it is called, The Remote Kiss...

Two people kissing each other with a cellphone accessory
Two people kissing each other with a cellphone accessory/Instagram Screenshot/@hollywoodunlocked

Can you imagine a world that caters for intimacy for couples who have long-distance relationships? 

Well, an invention in China has decided that long-distance couples shouldn't have to suffer the lack of intimacy. 

"The Remote Kiss, a new cellphone accessory developed in China, reportedly allows romantic partners to experience kissing regardless of distance." (Instagram)

The Remote Kiss is targeted mostly at long-distance relationships and relies on pressure sensors. 

"According to a report by Oddity Central, the accessory relies on pressure sensors, actuators, and soft silicone to imitate the user’s kisses from any location in the world as long as their partner has their own device and an internet connection." (Instagram)

We knew the importance of an internet connection, but this is next level for lovers. 

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The product has been promoted online, but it went viral when people posted it on social media. 

"The product only works if it is connected to a phone’s charging port and the user connects the devices through Remote Kiss’s app. Additionally, the app will ask both users for consent before use." (Instagram)

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