#MotivationMonday: JHB scrap collector still hopeful to complete his master's...

#MotivationMonday: JHB scrap collector still hopeful to complete his master's...

If he can still stay motivated amidst all his impediments in life, what's stopping you?

Man with a trolley filled with scraps on the streets
Man with a trolley filled with scraps on the streets/YouTube Screenshot/@EyewitnessNews

It goes to show that we should never judge a book by its cover...

This 34-year-old man, Gibson Nzimande, works the streets of Sandton collecting scraps and trying to recycle it for money. 

But he's not what meets the eye. He holds two Bachelor's Degrees as well as an Honours Degree, and has yet to complete his Master's Degree. 

He admitted to a journalist from Eyewitness News that he himself judged people who lived on the streets. 

That was until he was forced to live on the streets after he hit a financial hurdle and was abandoned by his family after his mother passed away. 

He keeps his certifications in a plastic bag in his trolley and also has a diary. He writes down things he would like to accomplish in a day in his diary, saying that this is his way of staying on track with his dream of becoming a lecturer. 

WATCH his full interview below, courtesy of YouTube

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If anything, we seem to be consumed by a generation that finds excuses not to accomplish their dreams. Even with all the resources, many struggle to find the motivation to push forward and strive to achieve. 

But after hearing Gibson's story, it goes to show that nothing and no one is holding you back, only yourself. 

If you would like to help Gibson get off the streets and get a job, click here

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