How many steps do you take in day? Scientists reveal new target

How many steps do you take in day? Scientists reveal new target

How do you feel when you reach your step goal for the day?

How many steps do you take in day? Scientists say that if you reach this new amount helps your health...
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With all the stresses of life, it can be challenging to find the time to work out and get enough exercise into your day. But many medical professionals advise of the mental and physical benefits that come with exercising regularly. 

So it came to be that fulfilling a certain amount of steps in a day can help you with your health. Traditionally, it was marked at 10,000 steps, so you could set your limit for the day with your pedometer or your fitness tracker and once you hit that goal, you felt a sense of accomplishment. 

But scientists have now revealed new information regarding the number of steps you need to accomplish in one day and it's good news. 

"Indeed, 10,000 steps are the de-facto target worldwide that many people associate with being fit, healthy, and aging well. Now, a new study says a lower — and more achievable — daily goal of 7,000 steps will still yield substantial health benefits." (Inverse)

"When it comes to the origins of the 10,000 benchmark, it is said to have been born from a marketing campaign, rather than being associated with a particular health objective. "A Japanese company (Yamasa Corporation) built a campaign for their new step-tracker off the momentum of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. The pedometer’s brand name — Manpo-Kei means “10,000 step meter” in English — and a new phenomenon was born."

Many people have made more of an effort when it comes to making time for exercise since the pandemic hit. Especially since the hard lockdown. It reminded all of us how much we actually take for granted and pushed us to make the best of what we have. 

"The new study from the US in 2,100 adults aged over 40 found that while 10,000 steps may well be an optimal health goal, adults can still achieve significant health benefits from only 7,000 steps per day." (Inverse)

As much it's only a difference of 3,000, it somehow seems more attainable. And the best part is that when you do actually reach 10,000 you will feel even better. Exercise is as much a mental activity as it is physical...

Carol podcasts
East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Unsplash Website

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