This graduate made a bold step in search of a job and it worked out for him...

This graduate made a bold step in search of a job and it worked out for him...

This was a different kind of approach to being recruited...

This graduate made a bold step in search of a job and it worked out for him...
Instagram Screenshot/@BBCnews

It's been difficult for the working parents out there, but it hasn't been easy for the graduates as well. Firstly, many students have had to study from home due to the pandemic. As much as tertiary education is not possible for everyone, it is very much a part of character building for many young adults. 

Then after all that studying, you eventually come to graduation, which is a lifetime milestone moment and then you are unable to celebrate with your friends and family, let alone experience that iconic moment of throwing your cap up in the air and sharing the excitement of acquiring that certification. 

On top of that, no one told you how difficult it would be finding a job. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult, as the job market serves up fierce requirements when they ask for three to five years of experience. Like, what in the world? 

But more than that, there is the fact that when you choose to study after school, there is this notion that you are guaranteed a better chance of finding employment with your extended learning qualifications. What a loaded lie...

That is why this story is so special because it shows how no matter what happens in life, we are the ultimate controllers of our destinies. Yes, outside circumstance may impact us at some point, but we choose how to respond to that stimuli. 

Haider Malik, a 24-year-old graduate was at his wits end trying to find work after graduating. He even admitted that the recruiters were getting annoyed with him because he would call them so often to check in. But he didn't let the silence stop him from doing something different, something bold. 

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Check out his story below, courtesy of Instagram:

What we love most about Haider's story, besides the fact that he ended up getting a job from creating a spectacle, has got to be the fact that he took a chance on doing something that pushed the boundaries. 

Many people with his education would be blinded by the 'ego' of it all, and it would be below them to do something like this. It pays to step out of the box sometimes and act with passion and authenticity. It's that same risk and bold behaviour that got him job offers and earned him the right to go viral on LinkedIn. 

What will you do to create a buzz for what you want in life? 

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East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Instagram

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