Back to school safety tips for your kids

Back to school safety tips for your kids

If you haven't already, you need to prepare your kids for the safety talk...

Back to School Safety Tips for your kids...
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As we approach the last weekend of the holidays for the kids, we try to adopt a state of normalcy. Getting back into routine and encouraging the kids to start returning to their bed times, as no one likes a grumpy kid in the first week of school. 

On that note, we came across some valuable safety tips for your kids as they return back to school from security company, Fidelity ADT. These safety tips are a must for all parents of kids young and old. And, so, we wanted to share them with you. 

If your kids walk to and from school, it is important that they walk in a group. This is definitely an oldie but good safety tip. 

"If your child walks alone, it’s a good idea to ask a teacher or other parents if they know of other children from the area who do the same. Some towns have started “walking buses”, where local parents volunteer to walk to and from school with a group of school children to assure their safety." (Fidelity ADT)

Children who are walking should stick to a streets they know and avoid shortcuts. "Never take shortcuts through a veld, bushy or secluded areas. If it is unavoidable always ensure someone knows exactly what route your child will take." (Fidelity ADT)

If your kids get picked up from school, they should always wait inside the school grounds for their transport. They should also be informed that you would never send someone to collect them, especially someone they do not know. 

"It is a good idea to consider using a password system, to ensure that the person collecting your children is in fact a friend or someone you can trust." (Fidelity ADT)

We absolutely love this idea, besides the sensibility and security behind it, it is also a subtle way to engage your kids with knowing about safety without instilling fear in them. 

"If a stranger approaches your child, they should not talk to them no matter how friendly they may seem. Teach your kids that if someone grabs them or forces them to go somewhere they should fight, kick and scream to make a scene and get help." (Fidelity ADT)

The reality is that many kids have to come home and are without a caregiver, so ultimately have to tend to themselves. In this case, it is even more important to educate them that they should not allow anyone into the house. They should know how to operate the security system if you have one, and also be aware of emergency numbers. 

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"A good idea is to draw up a list of important telephone numbers or save them on your childs cell phone if they have one. This list must include emergency services and both parents work and cellphone numbers as well as any other close friends and neighbours. It’s also important to explain to them when these should be used." (Fidelity ADT)

All in all, make sure that your kids are aware of the dangers that surround them, because there is a key difference between protecting their innocence and then enabling their ignorance. 

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East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Unsplash Website

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