#AppreciationMonday: Celebrations all round in the Ofori household!

#AppreciationMonday: Celebrations all round in the Ofori household!

Today marks a special day in the Ofori household as Carol's son turns six and it's her daughter's first day of school!

Celebrations all round at the Ofori house today!
Instagram Screenshot/@CarolOfori

There's much to celebrate when you have two kids celebrating firsts on the same day. Milestone moments should always be a highlight for all parents. So when Carol shared that her son is celebrating his 6th birthday and her baby girl's first day of school, we thought we've got to share this with everyone for Appreciation Monday.

Appreciation Monday is just something that we do on the show to remind everyone that showing appreciation is so important and yet it is something that we forget to do so often. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we have so much to be grateful for...

Carol has been chatting about her son's birthday for some time and we are happy to hear that she will be hosting a small party for him. There's nothing like celebrating your birthday on your birthday, and it just so happens that they have two celebrations, with her little girl experiencing her first day at school. 

As parents, it's a bit of a daunting day - your kid's first day at school. Are they going to cry or just go on in without any notice of you (brave little people), comfortable with their independence. Sometimes, it's the parents that need their hands held.

This wasn't the case today, though.

Both Carol and her baby girl were brave warriors, as she said goodbye, her daughter waved at mummy and daddy and said "Bye"...

Aww, they grow up so fast that we have to take every opportunity to savour these milestone moments. So for today, we take an opportunity to wish the Ofori household a 'Happy Birthday' because they are also turning six-years-old as parents. Happy birthday to the little man Ofori, and well done on being such a big girl, baby girl Ofori. 

What are you taking time to appreciate today? Let us know by commenting below. 

LISTEN to Carol Ofori's podcasts
East Coast Radio

Image Courtesy of Instagram

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