WhatsApp with that?

WhatsApp with that?

Biggest News in the Tech sphere - WhatApp bought for R210 billion by Facebook. It seems that Mark Zuckerberg wants sole control of the internet. Find out what Mauling news has to report.

Facebook has just paid 210 billion Rand for WhatsApp – a smartphone messaging service that charges its 450 million users R11 to send messages to their friends and family. 
‘Our mission - is to make the world more open and connected.
Your social life over the internet will be conducted via our network, whether you like it or not.’ – Mark Zuckerberg. 
More than 1 million people sign up for WhatsApp every day!
More and more people rely on WhatsApp to communicate with all of their contacts every day.
The BIG question has been raised – Do you think owners Brian Acton and Jan Koum will regret selling WhatApp? 
Mauling News reports on this issue, take a listen:
What do you think? Will they regret selling WhatApp?
Share your views with us below, Facebook us or Tweet @ECRBreakfast 
-East Coast Breakfast 

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