VIDEO: Dad films daughter taking selfies!

VIDEO: Dad films daughter taking selfies!

If you have a smartphone and any social media account, you're probably lying if you say you have never taken a selfie. And yes, sometimes it takes us a while to get the 'perfect' one.


All we need these days is a smartphone and a keen eye for action if we're on the hunt for potentially incriminating material of anyone.

For this man, Rob Beckham, the opportunity presented itself on a silver platter.

Rob was driving with his daughter on the back seat when he noticed something epic happening behind him.

His daughter was enjoying the selfie session of ALL selfie sessions. 

In fact, if he were a stranger, he might have mistaken the bahaviour for a serious medical condition and pulled over immediately.

Thankfully - and for the sake of entertainment and possible blackmail - Rob decided to capture the moment forever.

It is simply priceless. 

Are you a selfie addict? What do you think of people obsessed with taking them?

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