VIDEO: Coke has the solution

VIDEO: Coke has the solution

Coke shares their solution to the social media problem and we think it's genius! Take a look at how they take the ‘social’ out of media and put it back into life.

How much of our life is spent looking down at our phones?
According to Online Mail we spend more time on our smartphones than with our partner – shocking! 
Are we missing out on things around us?
Like chatting to our friends and family instead of Facebook or tweeting about it? 
If you’re on the fence about this then watch this video – it made us want to put our phones down and appreciate what’s around us…
OK maybe for just a second and then we will probably pick up our phones and tweet about our experience - Contradicting much?

You tell us - Do you think we get caught up in social media and take the things around us for granted?

Share your views below, Facebook or tweet @ECRBreakfast
-East Coast Breakfast 

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