Spiders make this woman lose her mind

Spiders make this woman lose her mind

Most of us have at least one proper phobia. You're about to meet possibly the most arachnophobic woman in the world. She pretty much loses her mind while her daughter films it all.


A video has emerged of the moment one extremely arachnophobic woman comes face to face with her worst enemy - a spider.

This video recorded  in Jersey Shore, US, has had more than 100 000 views in just three days.

It was recorded by the woman's daughter, Megan Nicole back in 2013, but only posted a few days ago.

If you think you're arachnaphobic, think again. This woman is next level!

As Megan laughs hysterically, her mother shouts, "It's not funny. If you miss it you're dead. I'm dead serious. I'm having a heart attack. Get it out of here now."

The Drive Team has decided to each confess their phobias:

Damon: Cockroaches.

Rory: Cheap coffee.

Dineo: Snakes. (We're not even allowed to say the word 'snake' in her presence!)

Mfundo: The sea.

Ab: Neil Diamond.

JVB: Faulty traffic lights.

Do you have a phobia that would possibly make you scream and shout like this woman?

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(PG: Language)


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