Ping Pong: Darren vs. Butch

Ping Pong: Darren vs. Butch

We were so excited to get Butch James to co-host with Darren Maule this morning, but because it is his first time as a co-host we decided to initiate him 'Breakfast style'. Take a look at what we put him up to.

A PING PONG challenge in studio with Darren Maule!
Yes that’s right; during a song this morning the two challenged each other to a game of ping pong in studio. 
Talk about things you shouldn’t be doing on the job! 
Wondering how they could possibly play ping pong in a radio studio?
We have the video footage and couldn’t resist sharing it with you.
There was hopping from foot to foot and plenty of hitting the ball wide...and lots of yelling. 
Take a look at who walked away with the title of Ping Pong Legend this morning:
Have you ever done something at work you shouldn't have? 
Share your story with us below, Facebook us or tweet @ECRBreakfast
-East Coast Breakfast 

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