Sardines slow to arrive

Sardines slow to arrive

Latest reports indicate that there wasn’t much sardine run activity yesterday between Port St Johns and East London.


Latest reports indicate that there wasn’t much sardine run activity yesterday between Port St Johns and East London.

So we are all going to need to watch this space and keep our fingers crossed and hope that the little silver fish will make an appearance sometime soon.

The team at Kingfisher has told us that the mid-south coast recently produced some good garrick angling. These fish were the pilot shoals and they disappeared as quickly as they came - anglers should be ready when more garrick arrive!

Anglers are urged to abide by the law of catching only two garrick per angler per day. The authorities have been ruthless and all of these laws are in place for a reason.

Restrictions also apply to shad - you may only catch four of these fish per angler per day. Other than garrick and shad, there’s still other edible fish on offer. A lot of good size pompano were landed on the upper south coast recently.

The best bait was whole mussel, but anglers who used small strips of prawn were also successful.

Perfect beach weather is on the cards for today with light WNW winds blowing of 9 km/h. Clear skies and a maximum temperature of 25 degrees Celsius is on the cards for Durban on Wednesday.

Yesterday morning big wave surfers were rewarded with solid 8ft surf with a few 10ft sets. Some monster barrels were on offer and there are awesome pics of the action which I will share on the Sportswave page tomorrow. The swell has already dropped off and will continue to decrease in size over the course of today.

(File Photo:Gallo Images)

- OJ Symcox

Twitter - @OliviaSymcox @SportswaveAndre


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