Sphithiphithi Evaluator unmasked during court appearance

Sphithiphithi Evaluator unmasked during court appearance

Controversial Twitter user Sphithiphithi Evaluator has been unmasked in court after allegedly causing a raucous on social media in the build-up to a week that crippled the county's economy and claimed more than 300 lives. 

Sphithiphithi Evaluator twitter pic

This after the anonymous account was flagged for inciting unrest and violence in July. 

Since then, cyber investigators combed through the data that led to the arrest of several people believed to be behind social media accounts that posted videos, images and messages that fuelled the fire. 

This includes a 36-year old woman arrested over the weekend in Leondale for the incitement of public violence.  

Zamaswazi Zinhle Majozi appeared at the Germiston Magistrates Court on Monday. 

Majozi's actions are believed to have led to the looting and burning that occurred at Brookside Mall in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 

READ: Court postpones case against suspected instigator of Brookside Mall looting

"Information received will be weighed and investigated. If there is a charge to put forward, that will be done. If that investigation yields a suspect or suspects, those will be followed up and arrested," said Hawks spokesperson Katleho Mogale outside court.  

Majozi was released on R3000 on the condition to sticks to strict bail conditions.

The matter was postponed to 18 October.  

Meanwhile, a 35-year-old suspect appeared in the Pietermaritzburg Magistrate's Court also on charges of incitement to commit public violence. 

"The session was held in camera; therefore his name cannot be divulged as yet. The case was held behind closed doors so as not to prejudice the identification parade which is yet to conducted.  

READ: Case against suspects in murder of whistleblower Babita Deokaran postponed

"The case was postponed to 6 September 2021 for possible bail application," Mogale added.  

"Thus far, about 18 suspects have been arrested by SAPS and DPCI. Some have already appeared in various courts in Gauteng, Free State and KwaZulu-Natal with others having been granted bail and others remanded in custody."

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