SAUS welcomes Wits' decision to register all qualifying students with historical debt, protests to continue

SAUS welcomes Wits' decision to register all qualifying students with historical debt, protests to continue

The South African Union of Students (SAUS) has welcomed Wits University's decision to register all qualifying students, with historical debt, for the new academic year. 

wits src leaders protest over fees 2021

The varsity says those who submitted applications through the Wits Hardship Fund and some 300 names put forward by the SRC - will be allowed to register. 

READ: Wits resolves to register all students who applied for assistance

The union's Lwandile Mtsolo says this resolves one of their 15 grievances, which is why the student protests will continue. 

He says they'll be meeting with key stakeholders this weekend.

"We are still going back to the negotiations table because our negotiations last weekend was not successful. The protest is bound to continue with all other institutions that are still affected."  

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